And finally, Tranae Hammond, a former sales representative for Girls Gone Wild, is suing the company for sexual harassment. According to court papers, Hammond's supervisor touched and massaged Hammond's shoulders, frequently spoke about sex in front of her, and on at least one occasion "tapped (her) buttocks with a clipboard." Ummmmmmm, Tranae, ARE YOU FRICKIN’ KIDDING ME? That’d be like me getting a job as Willie Nelson’s roadie and suing him for gettin’ a buzz off the sidestream smoke from his hippie lettuce. I’m all for treating women with respect but you went to work for GIRLS GONE WILD. Not the National Organization for Women. As a matter of fact, I would expect that a key part of the interview process at Girls Gone Wild would involve lifting your shirt and waving those wind jammers for the entire management team. And you were a SALESperson. So, let me get this right. You spent your whole day peddling videos of drunken skankhos showing their chimichangas in the streets so the pervs that watch ‘em can take Little Johnny dancing down at Knuckle Junction, but you’re mad that the guys in the office talked about sex in front of you? I don’t mean to sound crazy but how the hell do you work at a softcore porn company and NOT talk about sex? Maybe next you could get a job at a condom factory and sue for latex allergies. Well, Tranae, now I’m filing a lawsuit against you for the pain and suffering of my blood pressure being raised to dangerous levels as a direct result of you being a mammoth pantload of stink tenderloin.
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