Friday, November 9, 2007


Hello, maybe you know me. I'm Patrick the Angry, Angry Viewer and I need your vote.

As none of the candidates so far have shown any creativity, I am proud to announce that I am running for President of the United States.

What will I do that no one else will?

I will fix healthcare, social security and terrorism with one move.

Quite simply: I will eliminate Paris Hilton.

Killing Paris will improve healthcare by saving billions of dollars in insurance claims for antibiotics.

After we whack Paris Hilton, I expect her assets can fund Social Security until 2099.

And, we will finally beat al Quaeda because I am fully convinced Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in Paris Hilton’s vagina.

If you believe I am a candidate you can believe in, please support the campaign by purchasing official Patrick for President Campaign Gear @ or by donation @