Hello, maybe you know me. I'm Patrick the Angry, Angry Viewer and I need your vote.
As none of the candidates so far have shown any creativity, I am proud to announce that I am running for President of the United States.
What will I do that no one else will?
I will fix healthcare, social security and terrorism with one move.
Quite simply: I will eliminate Paris Hilton.
Killing Paris will improve healthcare by saving billions of dollars in insurance claims for antibiotics.
After we whack Paris Hilton, I expect her assets can fund Social Security until 2099.
And, we will finally beat al Quaeda because I am fully convinced Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in Paris Hilton’s vagina.
If you believe I am a candidate you can believe in, please support the campaign by purchasing official Patrick for President Campaign Gear @ www.cafepress.com/angrypatrick or by donation @ http://www.coreyandjayshow.com/Angry11-02-07.html
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My god, you make my drive to work on Friday mornings so much fun. :) You are a riot! I am sure you have heard it before, but I wanted to comment anyway. By the way, where can I order some Christmas turds? I definitely need to send a few...
Take care, and Happy Holidays!
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