Just two days after his arrest on Tuesday for violating a contempt of court citation, Girls Gone Wild founder, Joe Francis, faces new charges for trying to bribe a guard for bottled water and having drugs in his cell. First of all, Joe, a frickin’ bottle of water? If you’re gonna go down for bribery couldn’t you have at least taken a page from the boys at Lonoke and just asked for the chief’s wife to swing by and rough up the suspect a little bit? And where did those drugs come from? They said they strip searched you so I am guessing you had those in your double top secret storage compartment….errr…your ass. But that’s not even close to the worst for you, Joe. Listen to this exact quote from the newspaper: In the courtroom, Francis cried as his mother blew him a kiss while he was led back to his cell. YOU’VE GOTTA BE frickin’ kidding me! Joe, Not only are you known for being a pudgy, soft-porn mogul but now you’re gonna cry on national TV while good old mom blows you a kiss? Dude, you may as well have just had a tattoo put on your lower back of an arrow pointing down that reads “ Large Prisoners Go Wild Here” It’s a good thing your momma blew you a kiss because you’re gonna be spending a lot of time getting to know your daddies. That’s plural, Joe. A lot of daddies. So you better invest in a lot of chapstick. Because you don’t think those cigarettes are gonna trade for themselves do ya?
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