Amazingly enough, Britney Spears is planning to write a tell all book about her life, which from the looks of her recent outfits, I am guessing it would be a pop-up book filled with colorful pictures of empty penicillin bottles and blue star ointment. Are you frickin’ kidding me? A book? Who’s ghostwriting that? George W Bush? Is it just me or does anyone else vaguely recall that day in 9th grade health class when the teacher said the last symptom of syphilis was insanity? Then again, I’m certain Britney’s book would make for very entertaining reading. Maybe it would be like Dr Seuss ….and maybe……it would go like this…:
I do not like these, no I don’t
Underwear, I just won’t
I would not put them on my

No cover for my hairless fox
I will not wear them here nor there
I shall not wear my underwear
I do not like them red nor white
Though I wish I had a neon light
To glamorize my catcher’s mitt
Cannot, will not, hide one bit
Not today or tomorrow but maybe later
Now everyone meet
Mrs. Sphincter's next door neighbor
Good luck on your sure to be brilliant, book, skankbag, errrrr, Ms. Spears.
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