Courtney Cox’s husband, David Arquette, has followed in Rob Zombie’s footsteps and made himself a little scary movie. And from the look of it, he’s been puffing the magic dragon pretty hard, too because I would rather pole dance naked for my 85 year old grandma than watch this turd soufflé. Let me give you the set up. The Tripper is a movie about a group of drugged-out hippies that go out to the redwood forest for a weekend long concert and end up getting hunted and attacked by a killer that's dressed up like Ronald Reagan. Are you frickin’ kidding me? Ronald Reagan? Yeah….that’s horrifying…..a killer that looks like a 76 year old man with Alzheimer’s. He was gonna kill me but he forgot who he was and what he was doing so I just told him he was making me a frickin’ sub sandwich with extra mustard and to hurry the hell up. Oh but it gets worse. Old Ronald Reagan has a killer dog named…..are you ready….Nancy. A killer dog named Nancy….That’s about as Nutty as a port-a-potty at a peanut festival. And it gets even worse…David Arquette plays a weed smoking lumberjack named Muff…. Yeah, I said Muff. Do I really need a punchline there? Ok then….Playing a character named Muff is about as funny as the time my friends talked me into believing you could milk a bull. That stuff may be frothy but it sure don’t go good with Captain Crunch. Apparently David Arquette and creativity go together about as well as rap music collaboration between Ice Cube and Don Imus.
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