I can’t watch a single TV show after 7pm without having to see this damn commercial air more than Paris Hilton’s vagina. You know the one….that damn All-smell commercial with Chad. It plays more times an hour than Freebird in a trailer park.
Second, how dumb do you have to be to let those 4 geeks force you into the back of a van? Apparently, Chad couldn't count to 21 if he were barefoot and without pants. Think about it. Then again maybe it was voluntary… let’s examine this commercial’s plot a little closer.
1) You have 4 dudes asking another dude to get in the back of a van after work.
2) He gets in
2) One of ‘em says they wanna do “stuff” to him
3) He pinches Chad
4) The song come and get your love starts playing.
If I didn’t know better I’d say this was the first two minutes of a gay porn movie. And the feature they’re promoting is “My circle”. More like my circle JERK. Either way, I don’t give a damn; I would rather castrate myself with a spork from KFC than have to see that commercial one more time.
But Chad, seriously, if you interrupt CSI Miami again, I will personally make certain that the next van you get pulled into won’t be about getting love unless you have a fetish for duct tape and brass knuckles.
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