Friday, April 6, 2007

Britney's New Bag

Well, congratu-freakin’-lations to Britney Spears as she embarks on her post rehab life. Maybe she’ll actually remember she’s a parent now. Frankly, her kids have probably taken to calling a bag of skunk weed “mom” since they have been living with Fed-Ex and that’s the only thing that’s always there. A stank bag of weed and dad’s inexplicable propensity for speaking to his kids only in rap. Well, that craptastic spouting he calls rap, anyway. But, as always, I digress. This is a celebration of Brit-Brit’s new found freedom from insanity and her certain to be crunkalicious new CD. I thought maybe I could give her a few suggestions for the album title. After a great deal of time in my creative process….aka….sitting on my ass eating sesame chicken and sucking down iced tea ….I have come up with my …..


A tribute to the 80’s
3) Flashpants

an ode to country music
2) The Carpet don’t Have to Match the Drapes cuz I ain’t got Either (get it? Think about it….no CARPET……)

And the top suggestion is… explanation needed on this one

1) Leave it to Beaver

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